5 Tip to Get Better with Call Center Practices 

5 Tip to Get Better with Call Center Practices 

Do you know that 59% of customers don’t want to hear any promotional call? Out of all, 78% of consumers change their mindset about a company after having a single interaction. 

These facts indicate that something is really wrong with call center practices. Most centers are not delivering their best to customers.

But, it’s also true that these contact centers are capable of making a big difference in revenues and customer engagement. They can connect customers in as many numbers as you desire. For this purpose, they need to have the best and proven practices in place. 

Let’s get through them in the next section. 

Best Call Center Practices 

Here are the top five practices that can turn call centers better in terms of experience and results.

  • Share Vision of The Entire Company

Many companies prefer to have their own in-house cell representatives. However, their core practices can be manufacturing, production, or anything other than just calling. Even, there are certain business process outsourcing companies or BPOs that have a separate team for delivering an excellent user experience.  

Here, the substantial thing is sharing the vision of the company with its call center team. It’s not alone or has its different goals. Simply put, it should not think itself apart from the company, so should be about the vision also. Another important aspect is that every company keeps up and running because of good customer experience. Its call representatives keep it agile & consistent. So, common sense says that the entire company should focus on understanding its role and significance. 

If you talk about big companies like Amazon, they see core practices and call center department with the same eye. Both are equally significant. So, they invest precious hours in bettering their call centre training more often. 

The idea is simple. Every company wants its customers to be happy with services or products. So, understanding the reason why they are disappointed or their challenges is necessary. This comprehension can highlight the area that needs improvement for better engagement. 

If you check any eCommerce company, it supports customers via calls or emails. It’s a regular exercise to understand what customers need and what is not making them happy. So, discovering customer experience should be a part of your vision and your team should know about it. If fit knows, achieving what you think will be easier. 

  • A Strong Agent for Better Experience

Like a frontline employee, working in a call center is not like a walkover. It’s full of stress for taking calls and meeting expectations or targets every day. This is indeed noted that 96% of contact center representatives stay stressed every week. 

It simply happens because of high expectations, overwhelming calls, facing difficult customers, and lacking engagement. Amid these challenges, it’s barely possible to stay excellent at calls, and mentally tough to engage customers over calls.   

Here, an excellent company culture can prevent this from happening. A fun or mind-rejuvenating activity can help them come out their stress. It can be one of the biggest advantages of call center to care for call representatives. So, it should be a priority for all to have a strong culture wherein fun, entertainment, and recognition are there. Saying “incredible” or “done a great job” can prove stress buster. So, the contact centers should spare some time on ensuring fun and activities taking place for them. 

  • Streamline Communication 

Most of the contact centers have an agile network wherein internal systems are aligned for seamless calls. Consider a scenario wherein you have just a customer support executive who is managing inbound and outbound calls alone. 

Both, inbound and outbound calls differ from each other. Inbound calls are concerned with supporting in-house teams, whereas outbound calls ensure pitching new or existing customers for supporting them or promoting the brand. 

What if two calls, inbound and outbound calls ring at the same time? Instead of listening to customers or promoting anything, the agent would be trapped in confusion or dilemma. 

It’s necessary to have a defined workflow & strategy. There should be a system with the integrity of tools. Provide representatives with resources, like customer data in a system & chatbot. Also, list the common concerns or issues observed and provide solutions accordingly in short videos or documents. This method can help in solving problems quickly with minimum resources. 

The collaboration of AI chatbots like tools and intelligence can help in setting down the boiling emotions of difficult customers. If they are satisfied, converting them or engaging them for a long time won’t be difficult at all.   

  • Increase Self-Support System 

Have you seen how PayPal or Quora communities support? 

Both have a well-defined and completely self-managed system. Customers do come with burning questions and find quick answers in the linked pages, FAQs, or videos. 

These customer support solutions won’t require any human interference. Customers find convenient solutions with the least effort or waiting. It helps in achieving seamless and real-time solutions that almost 85% of customers intend. 

There should be some automatic arrangements that transit from bot to human support. Here, the selection of the right technology is a must. Let’s say, you don’t have call support executives, but want to pitch leads on your website. In this case, a chatbot like Tidio can help in winning half of the battle. You can customise the chat with auto-feeds that are like automatic answering bots.  

You may try some other tools that have machine learning powers to reply automatically and correctly. It will help you onboard more and more customers. And you won’t have to attend calls over and over.  

  • Get Better and More Innovative 

Innovation is a continuous process. If you blend it with customer services, the result would be awesome. If you date a few decades back, you would find how difficult it was to get a solution from a brand. And if anyhow you were able to wade through complex phone queries, it was not compulsory that the solution would be satisfactory.  

Fortunately, we have digital technologies these days. They have introduced us to some economical channels or platforms where it’s way easier to tap customers and provide solutions in no time. This digital ability has helped countless brands to wade through lockdown during a pandemic. 

So, it’s a necessity not to ignore call centers and their significance. Instead, improvise it to turn better and more futuristic. For this purpose, you need to measure its progress and discover affordable and compatible technologies to simplify customer support. 

Instead of on-call surveys, you may route online survey forms via emails to understand which KPIs matter a lot to your customers. Keep a track of them and listen to customers’ voices. Their voice would introduce you to trending and better ways to connect with them. 

The aforementioned tips resonate with the best practices or revolutionary methods of call centers that can certainly better the customer experience. Follow and see the change in your capacities, profitability, and customer engagement. 


There are some revolutionary practices that can help in improving customer satisfaction and engagement. Introducing self-servicing & new technologies, making your call reps tougher and stronger via fun & recognition, and more tips can prove the best practices of call centers. 


Keerthana brings a passion for high-quality content to the US Digital Data SEO team. As a PR + SEO Specialist, she leads the production of authoritative and engaging content to share with the world.

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