Brand Strategy: How, When And Why To Apply It

Brand Strategy: How, When And Why To Apply It

One of the latest studies published by a renowned international marketing consultancy highlights some of the key points that companies have needed to cope in one of the most changing scenarios that brands have suffered with the current crisis that has led to the arrival of COVID -19. Leadership,  engagement  coupled with digital transformation and relevance are some of those key points that help companies reinforce the resistance of their business or even improve it . For this reason, strategic consulting has established itself as the “place to be” for all those seeking a new era of possibilities., helping to see beyond what exists at the moment and respond to new challenges and consequences that may arise in the global context.

The most frequently asked questions about brand strategy consulting

Alex Carrasco , strategic and communication director and Consultant at The Apartment Strategic Communication explains some of the most frequently asked questions that are encountered when carrying out brand strategic consulting processes, the changes and improvements that he considers most relevant and the need to build or rebuild brands with purpose.

What is a strategic consultancy and what is it for?

As simple and natural as it may seem, one of the most relevant questions to undertake a strategic consultancy is to understand what it is and what it is for . 

  1. Through consulting , the reality of the business is approached and carried out from different perspectives that help to evolve under previously defined objectives. 
  2. With it, the company is advised to face different challenges in a market with increasingly greater competitors, seeking its strengths and the added value of the company to position it as a benchmark in its sector and thus be able to differentiate itself from its competing companies.  
  3. One of the first steps that must be established is to define the essence of the brand , that is, the values ​​and principles that each company is capable of representing (its benefits or the attributes that make it unique in its context). These values, mostly intangible, are the power of any company, what defines it and the added value that it must transmit to its customers.

Brand strategy and business strategy: do they have the same goals?

Every company has a defined business strategy, however, can we confirm that the brand strategy and the business strategy are two concepts that imply the same objectives and respond to the same questions? Carrasco responds vehemently, “They do not have the same meaning, but both must be aligned. The business strategy must fulfill functions such as the definition of the company’s value proposition, the identification of the market segments the company is targeting, the basic needs to offer its value proposition and the cost involved in its implementation. in progress or the necessary resources to achieve the objectives, as well as the organization of the company or the barriers that we can face. On the contrary, the brand strategy is the decisions that must be made to carry out a plan. Said plan will contemplate our target, the purpose as a company, which allows it to be different from the competition, the tone, the personality or the behavior, among many others ”.  

Alex Carrasco concludes by saying that a solid brand strategy is not possible if there is no link with the business strategy . In order to confirm that this alignment exists, before starting with the analysis of the company it is necessary not only an external exploration but also an internal one with the different departments that make up the company through interviews and different workshops that allow to see different visions and make people feel to the entire team as a fundamental part of the company, thus achieving a brand strategy fully in line with the objectives that prevail in the business . 

Understand the strategic process

Therefore, once the distinction between two fundamental concepts when it comes to understanding a strategic process has been made, we enter the following key point. What is a consultancy for If I have already defined my brand strategy and my business strategy previously? Alex assures that on numerous occasions he comes across questions of this nature: “If I already have my organizational structure defined, why do I need to promote new changes? All my workers have the necessary tools for the effectiveness of all their processes, or, on the contrary, my business strategy is clear, in addition, I have an agile and dynamic business, what are you going to contribute as a consultant? ” Alejandro Carrasco declares that these situations occur continuously in his office. Reason why you like to define the benefits that can bring the company closer to improving your business,

The main role of strategic consulting at The Apartment encompasses:

  • Help clients increase the profitability of their company with different projects that predict suitable and sustainable results over time.
  • Through different strategic areas according to the needs shown by the company (Organizational restructuring if necessary, digital transformation, corporate communication or strategic planning)
  • Locate the areas for improvement within the company.
  • The development of results-oriented tailor-made solutions.
  • Optimal results through different programs that will allow the company to take it to the next level. 

In turn, Alejandro confirms the importance of emphasizing the benefits of carrying out a strategic brand consulting . For example, the increase in income, increase in sales productivity, the implementation of different tools that help to automate processes or the integration of incentives or internationalization. In short, the strengthening of the company at a macro level.

Likewise, all rigorous strategic consulting must meet certain keys to ensure unequivocal success:

  • Definition of concrete and specific strategic objectives .
  • The development of a strategic plan that is continuously adapted to a constantly evolving environment.
  • The innovation as a fundamental part of the whole plan, opportunities becoming the challenges companies face with agile and efficient formats. 
  • Improving results by detecting customer needs .
  • An organizational team that revolves around common objectives, proposing different skills that allow to carry out the improvement of productivity. 

Finally, Carrasco emphasizes the importance, now more than ever, of giving visibility and making known the concepts that mark any strategic consulting. “ Given the new social, economic and business context, brand consulting is essential as it provides visibility in competitive environments, improves the company’s position in the market and satisfies customer expectations. It is essential when offering alternatives and generating new capacities that allow breaking with the pre-pandemic era , ”he says.


Keerthana brings a passion for high-quality content to the US Digital Data SEO team. As a PR + SEO Specialist, she leads the production of authoritative and engaging content to share with the world.

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