Twitter Ads: guide with all formats

Twitter Ads: guide with all formats

Advertising on social networks has become an important part of the advertising campaigns of different brands worldwide. Obtaining positioning, reach and visibility is key to increasing sales and that is why the use of these advertisements has grown a lot in recent time, one of them that of Twitter Ads.

Twitter Ads is one of the most used today and offers very good benefits to everyone who uses it. To obtain good results in terms of sales, you must have a good Twitter Ads strategy that reaches potential customers efficiently. Knowing the pros and cons of this platform can be key.

Learn more about Twitter Ads

Twitter Ads or Twitter Advertising is a very useful way to promote the contents of a particular brand to a specific audience on the Twitter platform. With the use of Twitter Ads, the interaction of users with the brand itself can be increased.

Among the objectives pursued by Twitter Ads is to ensure that the tweets sent by the company are seen by as many people as possible, which in turn generates the possibility of obtaining higher sales.

Similarly, Twitter Ads seeks that messages reach an increasingly segmented audience along with the advantages and disadvantages that it entails. The Tweets that carry a Twitter Ads campaign will be labeled with the name “promoted”. However, the behavior of these messages will be the same as any other tweet.

One point in favor of Twitter Ads is that it allows these advertisements to be viewed, shared, retweeted, replied to and even marked as favorites. This gives them a very important interaction compared to other social networks.

Guide to Using Twitter Ads Effectively

There are some important steps that must be taken into account to create and carry out an effective Twitter Ads campaign, which are the following:

A.- Configure the Twitter Ads account

The first step to create the ads on Twitter is to log into the account you want to work with and go to the Ads section . If you cannot enter this section in the first few days of change, you can try in the following days. This is because accounts that are new are constantly reviewed.

Among the main functions of Twitter Ads are the following:

  • Create announcements. With this you can create tweets from scratch that in turn will be the ones that are sponsored. To create, you just have to click on “write”.
  • Develop Twitter Ads campaigns. In the create campaign button you can configure a campaign step by step.
  • Measure performance to determine if a campaign is working or not . These results will appear on the Twitter Ads panel screen.

B.- Add a payment method

In order to publish a Twitter Ads campaign, you must choose a form of payment, which generally must be a credit card. If you are running a campaign on a high budget, you can request a purchase order to prevent your ads from stopping when you reach the credit limit.

C.- Create Twitter Ads ads

At this point, you must choose the tweets that you want to promote in the different Twitter Ads. For them there are two great options that are the following:

  • Promoted Tweets created specifically for the campaign and will not be displayed on the profile.
  • Organic tweets are used within tweets that have already been posted to the account.

D.- Configure the campaign

In order to develop a campaign in Twitter Ads, you must choose an objective. For this reason, a campaign will be optimized to generate the most relevant actions . To be able to choose a clear objective, you must select, “Create campaign” in the drop-down menu of the ad manager.

Among the objectives of a Twitter Ads campaign are:

  • Scope.
  • Video reproductions.
  • Pre-roll reproductions.
  • Application downloads.
  • Interactions with publications.
  • Increase in followers.
  • Clicks on the website.

E.- Measure the results of Twitter Ads campaigns

Once the campaign has been published, the results will be able to be measured in a real way from the ad manager panel. Among the results that can be found are:

  • The Campaign Level that measures the number of results, and cost per results or CPR .
  • The level of the ad group that is a comparison of the performance of different ad groups and thus determine if there is one that stands out notably from the others and why.
  • Ad level: it is used to know which tweets have better performance and what common characteristics they share to be classified in that way.
  • Measure the level of the audience in the tweets . Measure the behavior of the target or audience of each tweet launched. This information is essential to empower a certain group over the rest.

What types of formats does Twitter Ads offer?

The American social network offers very important advertising products available to all people and companies. They are all easy and very intuitive for advertisers to use. This allows them to create and have quality content where they can develop the best possible format.

1.- Promoted ads

The offer of promoted ads for Twitter Ads is very varied and can be used in many ways within the Digital Marketing funnel . Among its advantages is that it can be complemented with surveys, questions and conversation buttons. Among the best known are the videos that help bring the publications made to life and serve to direct a person to a web page or an app.

Image ads are another way to promote a product or service. Carousel ads also work very well as a source of engagement for up to six horizontally scrollable images or videos. They serve to promote products or offers, and develop a narrative through images.

Moment Ads help businesses create, curate, and promote an entire collection of Tweets in order to tell a story that goes well beyond 280 characters. There are also text ads that contain all the elements of a standard tweet and allow you to extend the reach of tweets beyond the target audience.

2.- Ads for followers

This format is designed to increase visibility and can be used to promote an account to a targeted audience to increase recognition and positioning in the minds of consumers. Another of its great objectives is to capture people’s attention.

3.- Twitter Amplify

This Twitter Ads format allows you to align or position the different ads with video content from the different publications. These are divided into two different formats which are the following:

  • Amplify Pre-Roll allows advertisers to select the content categories to which a video will be published.
  • Amplify Sponsorships offers individual advertisers individual links to a single publisher for a time of their choice. It also gives control over the tweet for the duration of a campaign. This tool is only available to advertisers who do not use the self-service option.

4.- Twitter TakeOver

And it is that the Take Over products are the ones that have the best performance of the social network and especially of Twitter Ads. This occurs because it occupies the main places on the Timeline and Explore tabs. They give the brands exclusive ownership of the most important places on Twitter.

Take Over products are offered in two different types which are the Timeline Take Over which is the one that places the brands at the beginning of the conversation as the first topic of the day. This is going to be the first thing people see when they enter Twitter, so it is very attractive as a strategy to attract attention.

5.- Twitter Live

This is another Twitter Ads tool that is used to transmit to everyone the most outstanding moments of an activity and allows users to join in real time. This helps improve the reach, visibility and engagement of the content.

In addition, Twitter Ads offers another series of tools that can be applied to the five formatting strategies, which are:

  • The polls
  • Conversation buttons that generate interactions and conversations about brand content. Among the buttons can be the CTA and hashtags .
  • Buttons on the website are the ones that allow you to click on the image and video ads for the landing pages .
  • App buttons let you click on ad creatives
  • Branded Hashtags that serve to express a personality and provide a visually attractive creative element.
  • Branded Notifications allows you to receive valuable content directly from brands and at the most opportune moments.


Keerthana brings a passion for high-quality content to the US Digital Data SEO team. As a PR + SEO Specialist, she leads the production of authoritative and engaging content to share with the world.

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